Monday, March 26, 2012

Gut, Gut, Gut

I have not been a very good blogger. Here is what we have been up to - ripping out old plaster and wood chips!

The only room still standing is the master bedroom. Its amazing how much dirt is in your walls - especially in a house built in 1948.


  1. I know what you are talking about...We had our roof done a few years ago and found mud dobbers alll over..but that's not all..when we first got here, DH tore down walls and ceiling in a small storage building with no insulation. The insulation was mud dobbers. These are little creatures who create nests out of dirt and water and plaster it wherever they can reach. DH hauled out buckets and wheelbarrows full of caked solid dirt. They get into everything that has an opening...

    BTW, so glad to hear that you can still say "Cheers" at the end of your posts...

    Stay positive...

  2. I can imagine how much dirt there must be, but won't it be wonderful when it is all cleaned up and beautiful?

  3. I love seeing Lucky in his bed in the middle of the room. So Funny! When my sister opened her wall she found a huge ant's nest! I never really thought about dirt being in the walls.
